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Monday, May 15, 2006
State Legislators Back Wind Farm
[this press release was mentioned in the previous post, but it deserves a post of its own!]
The following press release was issued from the office of Representative Frank Smizik, House Chairman of the Joint Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture:
The following press release was issued from the office of Representative Frank Smizik, House Chairman of the Joint Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture:
BOSTON, MA, MAY 15, 2006 – Sixty-nine Members of the Massachusetts Legislature, madeup of members from both Chambers and political parties including Senate and House CommitteeChairs, sent a letter today to the U.S. Congress stating their opposition to the anti-Cape Wind provision that was attached in Conference to the Coast Guard Reauthorization Act.
Cape Wind is a project to place wind turbines six miles off the shore in Nantucket Sound. The proposal calls for an offshore grid of 130 wind turbines that would stand 400 feet above the water. The 420-megawatt project would replace about 113 million gallons of oil per year, supply 75 percent of the energy needs of the Cape, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard and cut greenhouse gas emissions.
The Letter was prepared by Frank I. Smizik, Chairman of the House Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture and Representative of the 15th Norfolk District.
Chairman Smizik stated, “This letter makes it perfectly clear that there is substantial support for Cape Wind in the Massachusetts Legislature and strong opposition to the move in Congress by the Alaskan delegation to interfere with Massachusetts energy policies.” “In Massachusetts, the Legislature has assigned the authority to approve major energy proposals to the Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board, and not to the Governor, in light of the special public interest in maintaining adequate energy supplies”, Smizik continued.
Chairman Smizik also said, “The Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board approved Cape Wind’s application last year based on the finding that it would reduce energy prices, reduce air pollution, provide needed power and help Massachusetts fulfill our policy mandate for more renewable energy.” “Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens last week stated on the Senate Floor that he was pushing his anti-Cape Wind provision to protect Massachusetts and its citizens – today we are sending a resounding message back to Washington that Stevens’ move is against the wishes of the Massachusetts Legislature and of the overwhelming majority of Massachusetts citizens,” Smizik continued. “Our citizens want reliable, affordable, clean energy and Cape Wind can provide it.”
Matt Patrick, Representative of the 3rd Barnstable District which includes the shoreline nearest to the proposed offshore wind turbines, said, "We would be remiss if we let the gross inaccuracies from the opponents of the Cape Wind project justify the illicit amendment to kill the project.” Patrick continued, “The allegations from the opposition cannot be documented. The review process involving 18 agencies and numerous public hearings over the past 4 years have documented the positive benefits of the project in direct contradiction to the allegations from opponents.” “Let the process go forward and if Cape Wind survives based on its merits, it should not be subject to the arbitrary whims of the Governor”, Patrick continued.
Last week, the State House News Service reported the results of their statewide poll of Massachusetts voters that found 71% support Cape Wind and only 17% oppose it.
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BOSTON, MA, MAY 15, 2006 – Sixty-nine Members of the Massachusetts Legislature, madeup of members from both Chambers and political parties including Senate and House CommitteeChairs, sent a letter today to the U.S. Congress stating their opposition to the anti-Cape Wind provision that was attached in Conference to the Coast Guard Reauthorization Act.
Cape Wind is a project to place wind turbines six miles off the shore in Nantucket Sound. The proposal calls for an offshore grid of 130 wind turbines that would stand 400 feet above the water. The 420-megawatt project would replace about 113 million gallons of oil per year, supply 75 percent of the energy needs of the Cape, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard and cut greenhouse gas emissions.
The Letter was prepared by Frank I. Smizik, Chairman of the House Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture and Representative of the 15th Norfolk District.
Chairman Smizik stated, “This letter makes it perfectly clear that there is substantial support for Cape Wind in the Massachusetts Legislature and strong opposition to the move in Congress by the Alaskan delegation to interfere with Massachusetts energy policies.” “In Massachusetts, the Legislature has assigned the authority to approve major energy proposals to the Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board, and not to the Governor, in light of the special public interest in maintaining adequate energy supplies”, Smizik continued.
Chairman Smizik also said, “The Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board approved Cape Wind’s application last year based on the finding that it would reduce energy prices, reduce air pollution, provide needed power and help Massachusetts fulfill our policy mandate for more renewable energy.” “Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens last week stated on the Senate Floor that he was pushing his anti-Cape Wind provision to protect Massachusetts and its citizens – today we are sending a resounding message back to Washington that Stevens’ move is against the wishes of the Massachusetts Legislature and of the overwhelming majority of Massachusetts citizens,” Smizik continued. “Our citizens want reliable, affordable, clean energy and Cape Wind can provide it.”
Matt Patrick, Representative of the 3rd Barnstable District which includes the shoreline nearest to the proposed offshore wind turbines, said, "We would be remiss if we let the gross inaccuracies from the opponents of the Cape Wind project justify the illicit amendment to kill the project.” Patrick continued, “The allegations from the opposition cannot be documented. The review process involving 18 agencies and numerous public hearings over the past 4 years have documented the positive benefits of the project in direct contradiction to the allegations from opponents.” “Let the process go forward and if Cape Wind survives based on its merits, it should not be subject to the arbitrary whims of the Governor”, Patrick continued.
Last week, the State House News Service reported the results of their statewide poll of Massachusetts voters that found 71% support Cape Wind and only 17% oppose it.
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Sometimes you just gotta feel proud.