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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Color Me Unimpressed
- Authorizes a point of order by any Senator against consideration of a conference report that includes any matter not committed to the conferees by either chamber. [excellent, but it's 2006 -- why has it taken this long to implement what is a routine legislative rule in most legislatures?]
Adds rule to make it out of order to consider any legislation unless a list of all its earmarks, the identity of the Member(s) proposing the earmarks, and an explanation of their essential governmental purpose is made publicly available for at least 24 hours before its consideration. [fine, okay -- watch the blarney fly!]
Amends Rule to make it out of order to consider a conference report unless it is publicly available on the Internet for at least 24 hours before its consideration. [whoopee, let's all play hide-the-pea]
Amends Rule to deny floor privileges (except for ceremonial functions and events) to former Senators and Senators elect, Secretaries, Sergeants at Arms of the Senate, and Speakers of the House of Representatives if: (1) they are registered lobbyists or agents of a foreign principal; or (2) are in the employ of or represent any party or organization for the purpose of influencing, directly, or indirectly, the passage, defeat, or amendment of any legislative proposal. [why the exception for ceremonial events? Decorum?!?]
Amends Rule to exclude gifts from lobbyists from the gift ban exceptions. Allows a Member, officer, or employee to accept a meal or refreshment, however, from a registered lobbyist, subject to specified monetary limits and disclosure requirements. ["refreshment -- what a quaint euphemism]
Requires a Member, officer, or employee, before accepting otherwise permissible transportation or lodging from any person other than a governmental entity, to obtain prior written certification from such person (copy to the Select Committee on Ethics) that: (1) the trip was not financed by a registered lobbyist or foreign agent; and (2) the person offering the transportation or lodging did not accept, directly or indirectly, funds from a registered lobbyist or foreign agent specifically earmarked to finance the travel expenses. Prescribes additional disclosure requirements, including certain information regarding noncommercial air travel. [this is interesting -- it puts the onus on the giver of the ride to make the certification]
Amends the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require a publicly available report, in the case of a principal campaign committee of a federal candidate (other than one for President or Vice President), of any flight taken by the candidate on an aircraft not licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to operate for compensation or hire. [campaign discloure of free jet rides -- but no requirement that fair market value be paid? That must be buried somewhere else]
Prohibits a Senator from directly negotiating or having any arrangement concerning prospective private employment until after the election for his or her successor has been held, unless public disclosure of such employment negotiations and arrangements is provided. [I don't like this if only because it makes it harder for a member to leave]
Requires a Member to prohibit all of his or her staff from having any official contact with the Member's spouse or immediate family member if such individual is a registered lobbyist or is employed or retained by a registered lobbyist to influence legislation. [yawn, so the offspring are limited to lobbying the staff of daddy's friends?]
Amends Rule to prohibit a Member, with the intent to influence on the basis of partisan political affiliation an employment decision or employment practice of any private entity, from: (1) taking or withholding, or offering or threatening to take or withhold, an official act; or (2) influencing, or offering or threatening to influence the official act of another. [this appears to be aimed at the pernicious "K Street Project" -- the problem is, a member should be making such offeres or threats under any circumstances to any one.
According to press reports, "Senators also decisively rejected a proposal for an independent agency to investigate allegations of ethics violations, a move that lets lawmakers continue to police themselves." They've already proven themselve so effective at that, haven't they?
And I had to laugh at this:
That sense of urgency faded, however, as lawmakers grappled with the details of the legislation and became sidetracked on other matters, such as the Dubai ports deal and overhauling immigration. Yesterday's Senate vote broke that logjam, albeit with a bill that was significantly watered down from the type of legislation that House and Senate leaders once promised.
"Sidetracked on other matters." There are 100 members and thousands of staff experts. You'd think these august folks could walk and chew gum at the same time, yes?
I think the event can be summed up best by the exulting proclamation of Senator Chris Dodd:
''There's a sign now up in front of the Capitol that says, 'Not for sale.' "
That such a sign would have to be hung in the first place is the disgrace. Bro has an excellent take on the whole mess: