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Monday, July 25, 2005
Spot the Irony
In today's Boston Globe, in an article entitled "Opposition to Roberts Slow to Muster," a member of the U. S. Senate had this to say:
''I hope that both Judge Roberts and the Bush administration will release all documents related to his professional record, including memoranda written during his time in the Justice Department. These documents should be released to the Congress in their entirety."
This member of the Senate was:
A. Arlen Specter
B. Orrin Hatch
C. Barbara Boxer
D. John "Band of Brothers" Kerry
Of course, the irony is that documents evincing attorney-client communications between John Roberts and the Oval Office (such as are released at all, that is) will have been forthcoming with much more alacrity than the military records of the Senator quoted above.
And let's bear in mind that the attorney-client privilege is not Judge Roberts' to waive.
''I hope that both Judge Roberts and the Bush administration will release all documents related to his professional record, including memoranda written during his time in the Justice Department. These documents should be released to the Congress in their entirety."
This member of the Senate was:
A. Arlen Specter
B. Orrin Hatch
C. Barbara Boxer
D. John "Band of Brothers" Kerry
Of course, the irony is that documents evincing attorney-client communications between John Roberts and the Oval Office (such as are released at all, that is) will have been forthcoming with much more alacrity than the military records of the Senator quoted above.
And let's bear in mind that the attorney-client privilege is not Judge Roberts' to waive.