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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Squeaky Clean Governor Goes Murky
I really really like Mitt Romney. Or liked. I'm not sure which tense to use.
Mitt Romney came to office with a reputation of being "squeaky-clean." A non-politician of the first order. Says what he means, means what he says. Unimpeachable character. That's why I worked for him on the floor of the state Republican Convention when he was challenged by John Lakian for the U. S. Senate nomination in 1994.
I am in favor of any political candidate who is willing to give honest answers to every question and let the chips fall where they may. I believe this is the only salvation of our system of representative government (not Democracy, that's a much bigger concept -- I mean simply the process of choosing leaders). Unfortunately, this belief doesn't permit me to be in favor of too many candidates.
I was so supportive of Mitt Romney The Person that I didn't really care too much if his positions on the bellweather social issues were 100% consistent with mine. Abortion, gay rights, same sex marriage? I don't care that he plays it down the middle of a treacherous fairway. So long as he has the moral courage to stake a position and stick with it, I'll respect his integrity --- and Integrity is the one character quality that we should exalt in our system of representative government.
But now I'm not so sure anymore. I fear that, after a few years in office, Mitt is becoming tainted by the inevitable tide of political expediency. Clearly stated positions of prior days are being nuanced (a new verb, a la John Kerry, meaning "obfuscated") for delivery to a new and entirely different audience. He says "count on it" when asked if he is running for re-election, but his insiders who know quietly whisper otherwise. He makes numerous public statements against the merger of Gillette and Proctor & Gamble, using words that seem utterly preternatural coming from the mouth of an effusive capitalist. I like effusive capitalists -- but his comments made me dizzy.
Well, personally, I don't believe Mitt Romney will run for re-election. Nor do I believe he'll become a heavyweight contender in the Republican contest for President. But his handlers will be trying very hard to keep him viable for both, for as long as possible, because, after all --- that's the expedient thing to do.
And despite this, I will support his candidacy, because I have come to the lamentable conclusion that, politics being what it has become, even the squeakiest of the clean cannot help but get some dirt under their fingernails.
Mitt Romney came to office with a reputation of being "squeaky-clean." A non-politician of the first order. Says what he means, means what he says. Unimpeachable character. That's why I worked for him on the floor of the state Republican Convention when he was challenged by John Lakian for the U. S. Senate nomination in 1994.
I am in favor of any political candidate who is willing to give honest answers to every question and let the chips fall where they may. I believe this is the only salvation of our system of representative government (not Democracy, that's a much bigger concept -- I mean simply the process of choosing leaders). Unfortunately, this belief doesn't permit me to be in favor of too many candidates.
I was so supportive of Mitt Romney The Person that I didn't really care too much if his positions on the bellweather social issues were 100% consistent with mine. Abortion, gay rights, same sex marriage? I don't care that he plays it down the middle of a treacherous fairway. So long as he has the moral courage to stake a position and stick with it, I'll respect his integrity --- and Integrity is the one character quality that we should exalt in our system of representative government.
But now I'm not so sure anymore. I fear that, after a few years in office, Mitt is becoming tainted by the inevitable tide of political expediency. Clearly stated positions of prior days are being nuanced (a new verb, a la John Kerry, meaning "obfuscated") for delivery to a new and entirely different audience. He says "count on it" when asked if he is running for re-election, but his insiders who know quietly whisper otherwise. He makes numerous public statements against the merger of Gillette and Proctor & Gamble, using words that seem utterly preternatural coming from the mouth of an effusive capitalist. I like effusive capitalists -- but his comments made me dizzy.
Well, personally, I don't believe Mitt Romney will run for re-election. Nor do I believe he'll become a heavyweight contender in the Republican contest for President. But his handlers will be trying very hard to keep him viable for both, for as long as possible, because, after all --- that's the expedient thing to do.
And despite this, I will support his candidacy, because I have come to the lamentable conclusion that, politics being what it has become, even the squeakiest of the clean cannot help but get some dirt under their fingernails.